A large assortment of hardwood types

Sustainability with Novum Timber

Knowledge and expertise are key

Novum Timber is able to import high quality, legal timber. This is the very foundation of our business. We strive to keep our products attractive, fair and affordable. This calls for solid communication, both internally and with our suppliers abroad.

We are a complete supplier for our customers: fast delivery, high quality, expertise and competitive pricing. In short, we are a supplier in tune with customer needs.

Our timber types

We stock a broad assortment of hardwood species. We exclusively trade legal hardwood. You will find extensive information about each timber type, such as processing capabilities, origin and hardness on their respective pages.



Family: Sapotaceae.

Abiurana grows to a height of 20 to 40 meters with a diameter of 0.3 to 0.9 meters. The branch-free trunk is 9 - 21 meters. The trunk is cylindrical or can be grooved at the base up to 3.5 meters high. The trunk base is swollen and/or has root edges.

Abiurana heartwood is pink-brown to reddish-brown with a faint stripe or flame pattern and has no conspicuous scent or sheen. The 20 - 100 mm wide sapwood is yellow-brown to light brown and clearly lighter than the heartwood. The wood can contain 0.3 - 0.9% pebbles.

Thread: straight to irregular, sometimes a light cross-thread.

Grain: fine.

Durability: Durability class 1

Volumic mass: (1100-)1030- 1170(-1250) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content, fresh 1280 kg/m3.

Applications: construction timber also in freshwater and seawater, sluice gates, piles, sheet piling, shoring, floorboards, turned goods and furniture.

Angelim Vermelho


Family: Leguminosae (Mimosaceae).

Agelim Vermelho is a up to 65 meters high, straight, cylindrical tree, often with fairly high roots. The branch-free trunk is 20 - 30 meters long and the diameter is 1.10 - 1.80 meters.

Freshly cut heartwood is yellow-brown in color, usually with stripes and often with an orangeish hue, fading to reddish-brown. The sapwood is pinkish and not always sharply defined from the heartwood. Fresh and dry, angelim vermelho has a striking rancid (butter sour) scent, which only disappears after a long time.

Thread: Usually quite strong cross thread.

Grain: Coarse.

Durability: Durability class 1

Volumic mass: (950-)1000 (-1050) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content, fresh 1450 kg/m3.

Applications: Heavy construction work such as water, bridge and shipbuilding, harbour works and sheet piling. Furthermore for dragline bulkheads, stone moulds, braided partitions, wagon floors, company floors and workbenches. Also suitable for soundproof screens, anti-parking poles, fruit tree poles, etc.


Cameroon, Gabon

Family: Ochnaceae

The Azobe has a height of about 40 meters (maximum 50 meters), with a 25 - 30 meter long, often slightly oval, branch-free trunk with often a slight curvature. The maximum diameter is 1.5 - 1.8 meters and the trunk base is usually slightly swollen.

Azobé is mainly imported into the Netherlands as sawn timber, length 4 - 10 metres, with diameters of 0.5 - 1.5 metres and is cut to size to order. Partially sawn timber and end products (sheet piling) are also imported in certain sizes.

Wire: Usually cross or irregular wire

Grain: Coarse

Durability: Durability class 1

Volumic mass: (940-)1060 (-1100) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content, fresh 1100-1300 kg/m3.

Applications: construction timber also in freshwater and seawater, sluice gates, piles, sheet piling, shoring, floorboards, turned goods and furniture.

Ayous (Thermoline)


Colour: Brown, golden-brown yellow.
Durability: Durable class 1 a 2 (after thermal modification!)
Appearance: Quiet pattern with virtually no knots or knots.
Greying: Beautiful even grey colour
Applications: Facade cladding, interiors.
Treatment: Can be used untreated on facades. If the brown colour is to be retained, there are various ways of treating the wood.
Processing: very soft wood so easy to process and cut to size with hand tools. Watch out when shooting nails as they can go too deep or through.
Weight: very light. Unmodified wood weighs approx 400 kg/m³ at 12%-14% moisture content.
Modified is even lighter Ca 250 kg/m3

Advantages Ayous:

Durable: Thermally Modified Ayous has durability class 1/2 and can therefore last 20-25 years on your home untreated.
This is comparable to western red cedar.
Lightweight: The thermal treatment removes all moisture from the wood and it weighs little.
This makes it easy to handle and to mount to higher spots on a facade.
Price: considerably cheaper than red cedar or other hardwoods, for example.
Stable: The wood is virtually inert. Unlike other wood species, this makes it possible to mount the wood closer together.
Easy to treat: The wood has an open structure and thus absorbs an oil well when treated with it.
Ageing: Beautifully even and fast.
Structure: Almost completely without knots and knots, making it very smooth and even.
Easy to process; easy to process manually or mechanically.
Sawing, drilling and screwing are easy.

Disadvantages of Ayous:
Damages faster: Thermal modification has made the wood softer.
In places where a door meets the wood or where, for example, bicycles are placed against the wood, it is advisable to protect the façade.
Also protect well during transport and storage.
Strength: The wood is not strong. This makes it unsuitable for constructions.
It is therefore almost never offered as beam wood, unless it is used for a pergola, for example, which is not a load-bearing structure.
Mounting: Because the wood is soft, be careful when mounting. When machine-firing nails, for instance, take the softness into account and test it on a sample board first.
Application: Only suitable for interior and exterior facades.



Family: Leguminosae (Papilionaceae)

The Camura has a height of about 30 meters, up to 50 meters, with a well shaped, straight branch-free trunk of 18 - 24 meters long. The maximum diameter is 1.2 meters.

Supply: straight timber.

Wire: cross wire.

Grain: moderately coarse.

Durability: Durability class 1

Volumic mass: (850-)1050 (-1200) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content.

Applications: heavy durable constructions, sheet piling, noise barriers, bridge and jetty decks, truck floors, street furniture, boat and shipbuilding, exterior panelling, veneer for furniture, turnings, shuffleboard, sculpture, surrogate for pokwood (not for bearings) etc.




Other names
Murure (Bolivia), guariuba, oiticica amarela, oiticica da mata, quariuba, tatajuba amarela (Brazil), aji, guariuba, moral (Colombia), moral bobo, mata palo, pituca (Ecuador), capinuri, murere, guariuba, turupay amarillo (Peru).

Botanical name
Clarisia racemosa Ruiz & Pav.


Growth area
Tropical South America.

Tree description
Height 25-35(-40) m, with generally a well formed trunk without flaws and root runs, branch-free trunk 15-18 m, diameter 0.5-0.8(-0.9) m.

Tilted wood.

Wood description
The narrow, 20-50 mm wide, white to pale yellow sapwood is clearly distinguishable from the heartwood which is fresh bright yellow and dark brown/red-brown with a golden sheen under certain light. Often an attractive drawing can be created by wavy wire. When dry, guariuba has no distinctive odor.

Type of wood
deciduous wood

Straight, sometimes irregular wire or crosshair.

Moderately coarse.

Volumic mass
(560-)690- 770(-900) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content, fresh 1000-1200 kg/m3.


Air drying is fast without many problems of deformation and surface cracking. Accelerated drying should be done carefully to avoid longitudinal cracks and end cracks.

Guariuba can be machined moderately well to well, both with hand tools and with machines. Wood with cross-thread requires carbide tools to obtain a smooth surface; it has a dull effect on tools due to the presence of gravel. Tungsten carbide cutting tools are recommended. Dry guariuba contains 0.2-1% gravel. It can be peeled and cut well after being steamed at 65 °C.

Nailing and screwing Good, nails keep good. pre-drilling is recommended when screwing.
All right. Guariuba can be laminated.

Not known.

Surface finish
All right.

Fungi -ground contact 1.-above ground 1.Termites moderately durable.Drying wood drills durable.

Heartwood very difficult.sapwood moderately difficult.

Cellulose 45%, hemicellulose 17%, lignin 30%.

Interior and exterior construction wood, garden wood, interior and exterior carpentry, doors, scrap, rebate, stairs, floors and parquet, (garden) furniture, decorative cutting veneer and plywood and turning.



Sapin: heavy and hard Brazilian wood; yellowish-beige to yellowish heartwood, suitable for deck boards and light and heavy above-ground exterior constructions.

FAS (First and Second) for top quality: virtually free of sapwood, heart and other defects.

Origin: Garapa or Grapia is the commercial name for the botanical species Apuleia leiocarpa. She belongs to the Caesalpiniaceae family and comes from the forests of Central Brazil.

Volumic mass: On average between 800 and 960 kg/m³.

Durability: Durability class 1/2

Applications: decking boards, light and heavy above-ground exterior constructions.



Ipé is the commercial name for the botanical species Tabebuia spp, which belongs to the Bignoniaceae family and comes from the tropical forests of Central and South America.

Ipé : Is very stable and durable wood, mostly from Brazil, very fine grain, brown heartwood, often with light to dark stripes, yellowish sapwood. Suitable for outdoor work such as constructions, cladding, garden furniture, garden wood, stairs and terraces (around swimming pools). Also suitable for various interior joinery work such as parquet, plank flooring, stairs and furniture, FAS (First and Second) for top quality: virtually free of sapwood, heart and other defects. We also supply NO.1 quality this is a quality that is still good for garden wood applications but where some deviations are occasionally allowed such as; occasional and pinhole, dense knots, cross thread and small percentage of sapwood. If you are interested in this quality please call or mail our sales department.

Applications: outdoor constructions, cladding, garden furniture, garden wood, outdoor stairs terraces (around swimming pools), various interior joinery such as parquet, plank floor and stairs, furniture, turning and woodcarving.

Botanical name
Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Nicholson (= Tecoma spec. div.), Tabebuia ipé (Mart.) Standl., T. cassinioides DC., T. guayacan Hemsl., T. longiflora Standl.


Growth area
Tropical Central and South America.

Tree description
The many species and the large area of distribution are the reason why the dimensions of the trees and the wood properties differ greatly. Height 30-40(-65) m with a diameter of 0.6-0.9(-1.8) m. The branch-free straight cylindrical trunks can be up to 8-40 m long and sometimes have roots at the base.

Straight, sometimes cross or irregular wire.


Durability: durability class 1

Volumic mass
(950-)1050 (-1150) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content, fresh 1200-1300 kg/m3.


Fairly slow, low tendency to deform and tear.

Due to its high volumetric mass, it is difficult to work with and cutting edges quickly become blunt. When planing, it is recommended to use small cutting angles to avoid problems with crosshairs. Appearance can be smoothed. A good extraction of the wood dust is recommended, as the released lapachol dust can cause a skin condition (dermatitis) in sensitive people.

Nailing and screwing: Predrilling necessary.

Considering the high volume mass probably not without problems.

The substance lapachol, which can cause skin allergies in processors, contains the derivative deoxylapachol (0.4%). Lapachol gives a dark red color in contact with alkalis. The bark contains ± 5% tannin. The wood contains a purple dye that dissolves in water and can cause bleeding.

Mainly for construction works (bridge and shipbuilding and harbour works), sleepers, exterior and interior carpentry, parquet, flooring, furniture, commercial flooring, garden wood, garden furniture, would be one of the best woods for spokes in wooden wheels in carriage construction. In Brazil widely used in bodywork construction.




Mirindiba: The wood is light yellow to yellow-brown, sometimes with reddish veins. The sapwood is clearly demarcated. The grain is straight and the texture is medium. Density at 12% moisture content: 0.93 g/cm3.

The dulling effect is quite high; peeling is not recommended or without interest and the slicing is reportedly good. Nailing is good, but pre-drilling is necessary. Gluing is bad. It dries slowly. Mirindiba has moderate mold resistance and is durable against dry wood borers; sapwood delineated (risk limited to sapwood).

Mirindiba can be used for multiple applications such as: • interior: e.g. floors, carved veneer, joinery, moldings • exterior: e.g. Garden timber, shipbuilding, heavy carpentry, joinery

Durability class: 2

References • CIRAD . Forestry Department




The wood is light yellow to yellow-brown, sometimes with reddish veins. The sapwood is clearly demarcated. The grain is straight and the texture is medium. Density at 12% moisture content: 0.93 g/cm3.

The dulling effect is quite high; peeling is not recommended or without interest and the slicing is reportedly good. Nailing is good, but pre-drilling is necessary. Gluing is bad. It dries slowly. Tanimbuca has moderate mold resistance and is durable to dry wood borers; sapwood delineated (risk limited to sapwood).

Tanimbuca can be used for multiple applications such as: • interior: e.g. floors, cut veneer, industrial or heavy floors, joinery, moldings • exterior: e.g. Garden timber, shipbuilding, heavy carpentry, joinery

Durability class: 2

References • CIRAD . Forestry Department



Family: Sapotaceae

Maçaranduba: height 30 - 45 meters. The straight cylindrical branch-free trunk is (15-)18-20(-25) meters long and has a diameter of 0.6 - 0.8 meters, maximum 1.8 meters. Old trees have up to 1.0 meters high root runs.

Thread: straight, sometimes slightly wavy or slightly cross-woven.

Grain: fine.

Durability: durability class 1

Volumic mass: (850-)1050 (-1200) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content, fresh 1050-1350 kg/m3

Applications: hydraulic structures in pile worm-free areas, bridge decks, floors, sleepers and garden timber. Furthermore for turning, knobs and handles, wind instruments, parquet and strip floors and for violin bows as a substitute for pernambuco and billiard cues.



Family: Sapotaceae

Mukulungu: Height 20 - 30 (- 40) meters with a diameter of 0.7 - 1.2 meters, maximum 2.0 meters. The trunk is straight and cylindrical and up to 20 - 25 meters branch free.

Wire: straight, sometimes cross wire.

Grain: fine and even.

Durability: durability class 1

Volumic mass: (800-)920- 960(-1030) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content, fresh 1000-1200 kg/m3.

Applications: suitable for veneer manufacture, it could serve as a substitute for makoré. This wood, still little known in our country, can be used for hydraulic engineering applications, bridge decks, bodywork, facade carpentry, stair treads, panelling and parquet(floors). Mukulungu is highly resistant to acids and is therefore eligible for application in the chemical industry.



Family: Moraceae.

Growing area
Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname.

Tree description
Height 27-30 m. The branch-free straight cylindrical trunk is 18-21 m long and has a diameter of 0.5-1.0 m. When damaged, a large amount of sticky sweet latex flows from the bark.

Wood description
The heartwood is freshly colored yellow and sometimes streaked with brown. When exposed to light, it fades to reddish brown or dark brown, often with a striking golden sheen. The sapwood is pale yellow to whitish and is 30-40 mm wide.

Voluminous mass
(630-)700-800-900(-980) kg/m3 at 12% moisture content, fresh 1070-1100 kg/m3.

To dry
Slowly. There is a tendency to deformation upon drying. During accelerated drying, drying stress occurs, which can be removed after drying by means of conditioning.

Good. Sawing is easy but slow. When planing, a rake angle of 15-20( is recommended, because of the crosshair. Processes such as groove milling and long-hole drilling require the necessary attention in connection with splintering of the wood.

Surface finish
Good, with solvent-based paint and with a water-based system.

Durability class: 1

The wood of tatajuba resembles iroko both in appearance and in many properties. However, it is a bit heavier and not as stable. It requires a little more care when drying. Tatajuba would, however, contain no or less health-damaging substances and limeinclusions.

Like iroko, although tatajuba is somewhat less stable: frames, windows, stairs, doors, cladding, parquet and interior panelling, furniture, ship hulls, trusses and garden wood.

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